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6 Simple Office Design Ideas That Will Make A Big Difference

6 Simple Office Design Ideas That Will Make A Big Difference

A well-designed office space increases productivity, and inspire your employees to be more creative, it can also create a  great first impression to your visitors. The most productive offices balance the comforts of home with a professional business image. 

The design of your office directly impacts your team’s ability to focus and their ability to be productive. Not only does a well-designed office space support happiness and creativity, but it further strengthens your workplace collaboration and productivity.  An office design is also important for enhancing your business brand and core values.

Depending on what it is you are trying to achieve and the approach you take, there are a variety of ideas that can help you promote results and mould an office culture that’s fit for your business.

Here are  6 simple office design ideas on how you can make a difference in the workspace:


Art in the office

The impact of art in the workplace is underestimated. BCO’s Making Artwork in the Workplace report reveals that art is more relevant in the workplace today than it has ever been. It also found that 93.8% of survey respondents said art makes the workplace feel more welcoming. Forbes completed a study which showed that 78% of employees agreed that art in the office reduces stress levels whilst 64% had stated that it increased and inspired creativity.

While art can function as a catalyst and bring people together, it has been proven to directly impact employee productivity and well-being.  Art in the office also helps inspire creativity in the workplace by creating your own stamp of personality. Some companies have art in the office to connect people and customers to their story or brand.

When designing your office space, consider a variety of art pieces that bring out the  character of the workspace. With benefits that prove rewarding in the long run, this is a simple office design idea you don’t want to pass on. Take a look at M&M Artwork & Mirrors  for great artwork.

Feature Walls

Feature walls, also known as accent walls, can add a pop of colour to your office while transforming areas of the workspace into fresh and inviting spaces. Feature walls add visual interest, particularly if they’re interesting and exciting. They can be made of glass, exposed brick, slate, or wood.  We have even seen more unusual products used to create unique feature walls.  Take a look at Crea8tapes to see how rolls of packing tape can be used to create a stunning visual impact.

According to Snacknation, vibrant colours incorporated throughout the workspace can stimulate productivity (reds and yellows) or create more relaxed environments (light blues and greens).  Instantly transform your workspace with this simple office design idea; all you need is a lick of paint to get started.

Go Green with Biophilic Design

The many benefits of plants in the workplace have long been overlooked.  Not only do plants bring rich shades of green to the workplace, but they also help reduce stress levels in employees, , convey a positive brand image and massively improve air quality.

Taking the first steps to going green doesn’t have to cost the earth.  This simple office design idea can be easily implemented by integrating an assortment of potted plants into the workspace.  You can find small desk plants ranging from £4-£7 in price from retailers and in most cases, they are very easy to maintain.  Giving members of the team ownership to look after a plant is a great way to boost employee engagement too. Check out Vantage Spaces for some great plant ideas.

To learn more about biophilic design and the benefits of plants in the workspace, read our article: The Benefits of Biophilic Workplace Design.

Funky Furniture for  Collaboration

A funky office set up is not just for the creative industries. More businesses are now warming up to the idea of a modern office that promotes comfort, collaboration and a fun side of a workspace.

Architecture & Design Magazine Dezeen suggests that, according to designers and brands, offices furnished with rows of desks and swivel chairs are now a thing of the past.  Whilst they still have their place, they are viewed largely as commodity items, with the larger portion of the budget being attributed to furniture for multifunction and social spaces.

The best office designs feature a mix of contemporary seating styles.  They include comfy sofas, wing-backed armchairs, four person pods for meetings or working privately, high stools around poseur height tables, and breakout style bench seats.  Bold, striking fabrics, selected by an experienced designer, can help to tailor a specific look.  Reward your employees with more flexible office elements. Take a look at Frovi , OrangeBox or The Senator Group for on trend furniture.

Highlight Natural Light

Bright is better. The benefits of highlighting and allowing natural light to flow into the office space go beyond just increased productivity and visual discomfort. The No1 natural element wanted in an office is daylight.  Natural light not only improves mood, but it reduces stress and positively impacts circadian system functioning, not to mention saving costs and energy.

Where your employees sit at work can boost their productivity.  Historically, the best views within an office were reserved for the boardroom and meeting rooms, to impress clients and help close deals.  Today, designers ensure its your people who get the best views, with desks being space-planned close to window elevations.

Multi-functional spaces

The new focal point of the modern office is the multi-function space.  New millennial and Gen Z workers have grown accustomed to this environment from university campuses and the rise of coffee shop culture.  As a result, progressive businesses are embracing change by creating these spaces to attract the right candidates and ensure they can work, rest and socialise in surroundings they are accustomed to.  It isn’t just the younger age demographics that benefit from multifunction spaces either.  The full workforce benefits from embracing workplace change and understanding they can still work productively away from their desk.

According to Absoluteci, benefits of a multifunction space office break out area includes the investment of your employee’s well-being, and creating spaces of interaction and collaboration.  It also creates additional workspace and promotes movement in the office among others.

Consider this simple office design idea that offers areas of space free from distraction. These retreat spaces should be multi-purpose and flexible where employees can get away from the grind of the day. 

In Conclusion…

We’ve just demonstrated how these 6 simple office design ideas can make a big difference to your workspace. From improving happiness and well-being to ensuring your office encourages collaboration, you’ll need to establish one or more of these office design ideas for the right results.

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