Man at standing desk

2022 office design trends you can introduce at home

The rise in popularity of hybrid working means many of us are working from home for at least part of the week. In this blog post we discuss the office design trends for 2022 that you can implement in your own home office or working space.

Hybrid working is here to stay

Before 2020, not many of us had heard the term ‘hybrid working’. Fast forward two years and the pandemic has completely redefined our approach to the working world. In fact, 75% of employees in UK now say they’d like to adopt a hybrid working model – splitting their time between home and the office.

Hybrid working brings many benefits. Greater flexibility, better work/life balance and reduced commuting hours are just some of the pros that many of us have been enjoying. Hybrid working has left us in a bit of a predicament though. Offices are spaces that have been carefully designed to boost our productivity and optimise innovation. Our homes, however, are generally not set up for this purpose. But they can be.  

If you’re redecorating your home office or revamping your workspace, just a few small changes could make a big difference. Here, we share the key office design trends for 2022 that will turn your home working environment into the perfect workspace for you.  

Colour is key  

Colour is powerful. It can change your mood, reduce stress and encourage concentration. So, if you’re planning a paint job you should choose your colours carefully. Our Head of Design, Sarah, talks in more detail about colour theory in this blog post but as a general rule avoiding dark colours is best. The darker the shade, the more uninspiring the environment (when it comes to home offices).

Teals and greens are really popular for 2022 and provide a calming and stable influence. Neutral colours such as soft shades of grey don’t date and create a relaxing environment. If you can, try to stick to one or two colours in similar tones to avoid over stimulation. If you’re a lover of bright colours and neutrals seem a bit safe, don’t worry. There are other ways to add vibrancy and personality to your workspace that we’ll discuss below.

Office design in neutral colours

Light it up

A big office trend for 2022 is personalised environments, where people are given greater control over their workspace. The great thing about homeworking is that you’re always in control and don’t need high tech solutions to enable you to choose your own light and temperature levels!

If you can, move your desk close to a window. Natural light improves wellbeing and boosts happiness levels. Open your window when the weather allows and take advantage of those fresh air benefits too. You could also move a couple of different light sources into the room so that you can control the light levels if it starts to become dark. A few lamps that you can mix and match depending on your needs can have a real impact.

We all have different comfort levels when it comes to temperature (we’ve all experienced the dreaded office air-con wars) so set your heating to a temperature that feels right for you. A room that is too hot or too cold can drastically reduce productivity levels.

Create flexible spaces

In office design this year, we’re seeing offices redesigned to include several different environments such as comfortable seating and ‘Zoom rooms’. If you have the space in your home office to create different settings, fantastic! There’s lots you can do, even in small spaces, to provide different areas to work in depending on your needs that day. Realistically though, it’s likely that most of us will actually be looking to save space as our working environment has another function in the home (spare bedroom, dining room table etc.).

If this sounds like you, you could look at a fold away desk that you can put away at the end of the day. There are loads of great options out there, including standalone and wall mounted versions. Standing desks can also save space by providing vertical rather than horizontal storage. Not to mention they can be great for posture too.

It might be tempting if your short on space to sacrifice a comfortable office chair in favour of something smaller, but this is the one thing you can’t afford to live without! Ergonomic work chairs are a must to avoid future health issues and can be sleek and elegant too. Shop around to find one that’s right for you and your space.

Standing desk in home office

Add a touch of personality

Finally, while there are tried and tested office design trends that work for the majority, we shouldn’t forget that we are all unique. The nature of our work and our personal taste, comfort and preferences should all be considered when designing our home working space. What works for one, doesn’t necessarily work for all – so don’t be afraid to inject a bit of personality into your design.

A great way to do this through the art that you put on your walls which can be easily changed if you fancy something a bit different in a few months. Another way is to accessorise with things that you love. Have family photos in view or grab a comfy lumbar pillow and a throw blanket to keep you cosy. If it makes you happy, why not?

We’ve also talked a lot about biophilic design in past blog posts, but we really can’t overstate its benefits. Biophilic design connects us with nature which helps to boost mood, productivity and more. There are a number of different ways you can introduce biophilic design into your home workspace. The most obvious example is to include plants and other greenery. Alternatively, natural finishes such as wood and stone and nature themed wall art can create similar wellbeing benefits.

For more inspiration on how to bring your home office to life, check out our case studies.

Colourful artwork adds personality
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