Attracting And Retaining The Right People For Your Business

Attracting And Retaining The Right People For Your Business

According to a recent study, an average UK worker will change employer every five years with just under a quarter of employees (23%) looking for a new job at least once a year.

People are no longer motivated by the same factors as previous generations. Instead, employees are placing greater emphasis on a good work-life balance and a sense of purpose beyond financial success.

Attracting the perfect candidate and retaining their services is one of the biggest challenges facing employers today. Salary is no longer the sole motivating factor driving the decisions of workers. Their wellbeing, personal progression and most importantly of all, their cultural fit with their prospective employer, all have an important part to play.


Workplace culture is the beating heart of your organisation. If you cut off its supply line, your business can’t survive. It’s the character and personality of your business that defines your identity; the values, ethics, and traditions which
you uphold.       


Culture is vital to the success of any business. Get it right, you not only have a happy, engaged and motivated workforce, it increases the likelihood of attracting new talent when it’s time to recruit.  

The right cultural fit is now second only to salary as the motivating factor in determining a workers next career choice. In their ‘What Workers Want 2017 Report, Hays note that 97% of employees and employers say ‘cultural fit is very or quite important. Indeed, 62% say they would be prepared to take a pay cut to work for an organisation that offers a better cultural fit.

The benefits of a strong workplace culture go beyond helping to attract and retain a talented workforce.  Creating brand identity, helping to strengthen market position and advantage over competitors and improving productivity are all areas which benefit from a strong workplace culture.  

A potential client who visits yourself and two competitors during the pitching process not only makes a decision based on price. They are more likely to select a supply partner which has a successful workplace culture. During their visit, they pick up on the overall look and feel of the office and how engaged your workforce is. Their exposure to your workplace culture during this visit can be a major determining factor in who they select as their contract partner.


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