Desks in office

Covid Protocols

Covid Protocols

With the recent announcement of the National Lockdown, we thought it was prudent to re-evaluate our protocols and position. After an internal review with the board and leadership team we can advise that we remain committed to live, and up and coming projects. In doing so will be taking the new COVID guidelines very seriously. We have taken the following steps to ensure we can continue to safely operate:

The office team will be working mainly from home. We have already created bubble groups covering all departments keeping the office open with a skelton staff. This will ensure that we can maintain and service all enquiries of any nature. During lockdown we will keeping physical contact between office and site staff to the very minimum.

If you wish to have a copy of our health and safety and COVID protocol, please contact Andrew –, and he would be more than happy to share and discuss if required.

We hope you stay safe and well, and understand we are taking the recent government announcement very seriously, and believe we can help protect the NHS with the actions we are proposing. We will also be constantly reviewing these protocols.

Many thanks

Opus4 Team

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