Let People Play

How an Office Redesign Can Invigorate your Team

How an Office Redesign Can Invigorate your Team

If you feel things have been getting a little stale around the office of late then one of the best ways to boost employee morale and get everyone a bit more enthusiastic about coming in to work on a Monday morning is to have an office redesign.

It works when you change things around at home so it figures an office with a fresh feel with do likewise. So, what can you do design-wise to stir up your staff? Well, here are some of our favourite tips:

Go Green

Gardening has also been known for its calming effects. Has your office space outdoors where you could create a little garden area, or even a patio where staff can go and work outdoors or enjoy their lunch in the sunshine during the warmer months?

Another option is to introduce plants and greenery to the office.  Not only do they add colour and vibrancy, but they have health benefits too.  One of the hot trends in workplace design is moss walls.  They make a great feature in a reception area, meeting room or multifunction/breakout space.

Introduce some artwork

Art has always been known to evoke emotions to the extent it can have a positive effect on health – both mental and physical; some studies have shown it can actually reduce blood pressure. Art can provide an alternative perspective for individuals, as well as help boost creativity (there’s nothing less inspiring than a bare, cold wall). So, invest in some colourful, abstract works. If there’s an art college nearby you could always ask if students want to display their work on your office walls. Nothing ventured, nothing gained…

Invest in modular furniture

This type of flexible seating and desk design can be easily moved around, allowing you to change your office design at a whim. It’s excellent for meeting areas and gives employees the choice of whether to work at their desks or find some ‘cubed seating’ and curl up with a laptop instead. Changing your layout around constantly with modular seating means the look of your office will never feel ‘stale.’

Let people play

If you have the space, then take a leaf out of Google’s book and create a ‘play space.’ This is a bit like a chill out zone where employees can go and have a break by either reading a book, playing table football, or having a game of ping pong. Letting staff unwind and switch off like this makes them feel more invigorated when they do return to that difficult work problem which was making them feel bogged down.

Other tips to add some spice to the workplace for your team include introducing the concept of hot desking, holding staff meetings in a venue outside the office and organising playlists from staff for reception and lunch areas.

Get more tips on invigorating your workspace at our website www.opus-4.com. Or, get in touch today on 0161 402 3340 for a free consultation from the team.

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