Create a positive work culture

Why an Office Fit Out Could Improve Your Work Environment

Why an Office Fit Out Could Improve Your Work Environment

Embarking on an office fit out won’t just lead to a great new office in the physical sense. It will also improve the morale of staff and potentially lead to a boost in productivity levels. Why? Well here’s a handful of reasons below:

Create a positive work culture

There’s nothing like feeling appreciated to make your staff feel more loyal towards you and your company. And that’s what listening to their ideas about a redesign will do. Then you need to act on them (the sensible ones). If they want a chill out zone, for instance, then provide one. A company discount at a gym down the road? Sure. And how about a delivery of fresh fruit a few times a week? It stands to reason; look after your employees – and they’ll look after your business.

Help your staff breathe easier

Introducing more greenery into your office environment will improve the air quality and add a feeling of freshness all round. Having living plants around will also make the place feel less stale and remind staff there’s a whole natural world out there to explore – one beyond their PC screens. And that can only work in your favour as well since staff who take a walk in the outdoors at lunchtime are going to  feel more energised when they get back to the office to work.

Aid in the crack down on clutter

Messy desks cluttered with empty cups and overflowing paper files don’t just look bad, they also suck energy on sight and, let’s face it,  aren’t very comfortable to work on. So why not alter the mindset of untidy staff in the office by providing them with smart new storage solutions? Or, better still, encourage them to transfer most of their work to the Cloud by investing in some new and smart, up-to-date technology systems.

Give your staff’s senses a lift

We’re all familiar with the blast of freshly baked bread piped out into the aisles of the supermarket when we walk by the bakery section. Well, now offices are getting in on the act. Some companies we know swear by the power of essential oils so much that they actually diffuse them into their work environment. This doesn’t mean businesses are trying to sell their staff something – rather that employees can benefit from the power of essential oils in, for instance the mental stimulation the herb Rosemary brings, or from the positivity of Lemongrass.

Motivate your employees with music

Supply headsets to every employee so they can get down to some ambient music while they work. Creative types in particular value this – especially if the general office environment is noisy or if there are phones going off constantly. It stops noise-related arguments between staff too – and which can only be a good thing.

Find more office fit out ideas from the inspiring and creative design team here at

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